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Manta Alley, Komodo, Dive site

Magic Mountain Dive Site in Misool

Experience a breathtaking underwater spectacle

Information about Magic Mountain

Magic Mountain, located in the heart of Misool, Raja Ampat, is a world-renowned dive site that offers an unparalleled underwater experience. This dive site, also known as Shadow Reef, is famous for its stunning topography and incredible marine biodiversity. Divers from around the globe are drawn to Magic Mountain for its vibrant coral gardens, diverse fish species, and frequent sightings of majestic manta rays.

As you descend into the crystal-clear waters of Magic Mountain, you'll be greeted by a breathtaking underwater landscape. The reef features a series of pinnacles and ridges adorned with colorful soft and hard corals. The site's unique structure creates cleaning stations that attract manta rays, making it one of the best places in Raja Ampat to observe these graceful giants up close. Divers can also expect to see schools of barracudas, jacks, and fusiliers, along with reef sharks patrolling the deeper waters.

Magic Mountain's rich biodiversity extends to macro life as well. Keen-eyed divers can spot nudibranchs, pygmy seahorses, and a variety of shrimps and crabs nestled among the corals. The combination of large pelagics, vibrant reefs, and macro wonders makes Magic Mountain a must-visit destination for any diving enthusiast. Non-divers can enjoy snorkeling in the shallow areas or simply relax and soak in the beauty of Misool's pristine environment.

Interesting facts about Magic Mountain

Getting there: The best way to reach Magic Mountain is by joining a liveaboard tour, which provides direct access to this remote dive site. Alternatively, you can fly to Sorong and take a boat from there.

Best time to visit Magic Mountain: The optimal time for diving at Magic Mountain is from October to April, when water conditions are calm and visibility is excellent. Water temperatures range from 27°C to 30°C (81°F to 86°F).

Diving Conditions: Magic Mountain offers depths ranging from 5 to 30 meters (16 to 98 feet) with mild to moderate currents, making it suitable for divers of all experience levels. The site's excellent visibility enhances the underwater experience.

Our liveaboard trips: Our liveaboard tours to Magic Mountain typically last 7-10 days, including visits to other top dive sites in Misool, such as Boo Windows and Nudi Rock.

A little known fact: Magic Mountain is one of the few places in the world where you can see both oceanic and reef manta rays at the same cleaning station, providing a unique and thrilling diving experience.

Pictures of Magic Mountain

Manta Alley, Komodo, Dive site

Possible Activities in Magic Mountain

scuba diving


Highlights Close to Magic Mountain

Our trips to Magic Mountain

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