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Farondi Cave, Raja Ampat, Pygmy Seahorse

Farondi Cave Dive Site in Raja Ampat

Explore the mysterious underwater caves teeming with marine life

Information about Farondi Cave

Farondi Cave, located in the mesmerizing Raja Ampat archipelago, is a dream dive site for those seeking adventure and mystery beneath the waves. This unique dive site features a series of underwater caverns and tunnels, creating an exhilarating experience for divers. The caverns are adorned with vibrant coral formations and are home to a myriad of marine life, making every dive a spectacular visual feast.

One of the highlights of diving at Farondi Cave is the chance to encounter nocturnal marine species that reside within the dark crevices of the cave. Divers often spot lobsters, crabs, and various types of shrimp. The surrounding reef is bustling with colorful fish, from schools of snapper and fusiliers to the occasional sighting of reef sharks patrolling the area.

Farondi Cave offers more than just diving; it’s a gateway to exploring the natural beauty of Raja Ampat. The island’s pristine beaches and lush landscapes provide a perfect backdrop for relaxation and exploration. For those who enjoy snorkeling, the shallow reefs around the cave offer an equally mesmerizing experience. Whether you are an avid diver or a nature enthusiast, Farondi Cave is a must-visit destination.

Interesting facts about Farondi Cave

Getting there: The best way to reach Farondi Cave is by liveaboard, ensuring direct access to this remote and captivating dive site. Alternatively, you can fly into Sorong and join a diving expedition from there.

Best time to visit: The ideal time to dive at Farondi Cave is from October to April, with water temperatures ranging from 27°C to 30°C (81°F to 86°F). Visibility is typically excellent, often exceeding 30 meters.

Diving Conditions: Farondi Cave offers depths ranging from 5 to 30 meters. The currents can be strong near the entrances of the caverns, so it is recommended for advanced divers. Bring a dive light to explore the darker sections of the cave.

Our liveaboard trips: Several of our liveaboard vessels visit Farondi Cave, with trips typically lasting 7-10 days. These trips often include other top dive sites in Raja Ampat, such as Misool and Kri Island.

A little-known fact: Farondi Cave is famous for its "Cathedral Room," a large cavern with a ceiling that reaches up to the surface, allowing sunlight to stream in and create a breathtaking underwater light show.

Pictures of Farondi Cave

Farondi Cave, Raja Ampat, Pygmy Seahorse

Possible Activities in Farondi Cave

scuba diving




Our trips to Farondi Cave

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