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Cape Kri, Raja Ampat

Cape Kri Diving in Raja Ampat

Dive into the world record-holding marine biodiversity

Information about Cape Kri

Cape Kri, located in the vibrant waters of Raja Ampat, is celebrated for holding the world record for the most fish species counted on a single dive. This dive site, positioned off the northern coast of Kri Island, offers divers an unparalleled experience in marine biodiversity.

Cape Kri is a diver’s paradise, where you can encounter over 374 different species of fish in one dive. From majestic manta rays to schools of barracuda and vibrant reef fish, the underwater scene here is teeming with life. The healthy coral reefs are a spectacle in themselves, providing a colorful backdrop to the abundant marine life.

Beyond diving, the stunning surroundings of Kri Island offer fantastic snorkeling opportunities, pristine beaches, and lush jungle hikes for non-divers. The exceptional marine life and breathtaking underwater landscapes make Cape Kri a must-visit destination for any diving enthusiast.

Interesting facts about Cape Kri

Getting there: The best way to explore Cape Kri is by liveaboard, offering seamless access to this world-renowned dive site. Alternatively, you can reach Kri Island via a flight to Sorong followed by a speedboat transfer.

Best time to visit: Cape Kri offers great diving year-round, but the best conditions are from October to April. During this time, water temperatures range from 27°C to 30°C (81°F to 86°F) with visibility often exceeding 25 meters (82 feet).

Diving conditions: Cape Kri features depths ranging from 5 to 40 meters (16 to 131 feet) with moderate to strong currents, making it ideal for experienced divers. The currents bring in nutrient-rich waters, attracting a diverse range of marine species.

Our liveaboard trips: Numerous liveaboard options are available for Cape Kri, with trips typically lasting 7-12 days. These trips often include other iconic Raja Ampat dive sites, providing a comprehensive exploration of the region’s underwater wonders.

A little known fact: Cape Kri is where marine biologist Dr. Gerald Allen set the world record for the most fish species recorded on a single dive – a testament to the site’s extraordinary biodiversity.

Pictures of Cape Kri

Cape Kri, Raja Ampat
Cape Kri, Raja Ampat
Cape Kri, Raja Ampat

Possible Activities in Cape Kri

scuba diving


Our trips to Cape Kri

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