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DIN Mios Kon

Mios Kon in Raja Ampat

Dive into the Vibrant Marine Ecosystems and Pristine Waters of Mios Kon

What you need to know about Mios Kon

Located in the northern part of Raja Ampat, Mios Kon is known for its pristine coral reefs and diverse marine life. Mios Kon is a hidden gem for divers seeking to explore the underwater wonders of Indonesia. Divers of all levels can experience the extraordinary biodiversity that makes Mios Kon a must-visit destination.

The underwater scenery at Mios Kon is spectacular, featuring stunning coral reefs, overhangs, and swim-throughs that house a myriad of marine life. Divers can expect to encounter large schools of fish, including barracudas, fusiliers, and jacks. The site is also home to a variety of macro life, such as pygmy seahorses and nudibranchs, making it a favorite among underwater photographers.

For non-divers, Mios Kon offers plenty of activities to enjoy. Snorkeling is a fantastic way to explore the vibrant reefs close to the surface, ensuring everyone can enjoy the rich marine biodiversity. Whether you are a seasoned diver, a beginner, or a non-diver, Mios Kon provides an unforgettable experience in Raja Ampat.

Interesting facts about Mios Kon Island

Getting there: The best way to reach Mios Kon is by liveaboard, offering easy access to this remote dive site. Most liveaboards depart from Sorong, which is well-connected by flights from Jakarta and Bali.

Best time to visit: The ideal time to dive at Mios Kon is from October to April, when water temperatures range from 27°C to 30°C (81°F to 86°F). Visibility is excellent, often exceeding 30 meters (100 feet).

Diving Conditions: The dive site features depths from 5 to 30 meters (16 to 98 feet) with generally calm conditions, making it suitable for divers of all levels. Currents can vary but are typically mild.

Our liveaboard trips: Numerous liveaboards visit Mios Kon, offering trips that typically last 7-10 days. These trips often include stops at other iconic dive sites in Raja Ampat, such as Cape Kri and Blue Magic.

A little known fact: Mios Kon is renowned for its spectacular night dives, where you can encounter nocturnal species like Spanish dancers and bobtail squids, adding an extra thrill to your diving experience.

Pictures of Mios Kon

DIN Mios Kon
Mios Kon, Misokon Reef, Raja Ampat
Mioskon Reef, Miso Kon, Raja Ampat

Our trips to Mios Kon

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